international fight academy

Ju Jitsu metodo Israeliano
from Aggressions and Self Defense Bullying Krav Maga
BECAUSE : We live in difficult days, street assaults and bullying have increased exponentially, once the assaults were aimed at theft, rape robbery today in addition to these types of despicable assaults add the aggression without reason for fun with the sole purpose of shooting and spreading the film, in most of these occasions there is no condemnation by the Magistracy which judges the subject "not capable of understanding and willing". Personal defense takes on a leading role floor in daily life and should also be taught in schools.
PERSONAL DEFENCE: Self-defense is mistakenly thought of only as a system of physical reaction to an aggression, it is true that self-defense is also this but the trained teachers know that defense is also attention in daily behavior, prevention, psychology of the aggressor, psychology of the attacked, dissuasion…. Only as an extreme result defend yourself physicamete and here it is done in a determined and incisive way, once you leave, you cannot allow us to hesitate or stop and this is taught.
ATTITUDE: Faced with a threat and I mean threat and not aggression, it is always dissuasive with its hands placed on guard trying to dissuade the threat but in the meantime position for a reaction with both legs and arms, it is not a martial position but a position that gives the impression of martial incompetence, and yes, because here we are not in a Ring with rules and honor we are on the road here the rules are not there are but take home "the skin". Then with a 360-degree evaluation you decide whether to react, run away, hit, the evaluations are several, the person I have in front of me was drunk, drugged, shiny, presumably armed, intentions, number of possible attackers, location, escape routes, escape someone may think it is the best solution but it is not so, here various assessments take over where I am the aggressor is faster than me? I can walk into a shop in a few meters, a crowded place? if I run away and it reaches me easily I fall and by falling I reduce my chances of success by 90%.
ATTENTION: This aspect of self-defense is also important, where you position yourself if you enter in an elevator and shady guys enter, if I can wisely they come in I go out there is the method to do it, if I can't I am not in the center but you position yourself with your back to the wall etc, if so he has to go through an underpass and you will see shady guys coming back backwards, if you have to pass by force, it does not pass within 10 cm of the attacker but you create space for any reaction or not you lose sight of it even when you have passed on.
AGGRESSION: Direct does not give time for in-depth assessments such as the threat here you have to decide in tenths of seconds he wants money machine bag the advice is to give it to him, not worth your life, if he wants to rape kill you or your family here the reaction is obligatory and I must have timing speed power in a word to be trained, to hit the sensitive parts in a drastic violent way without thinking about the consequences, I understand that it is bad to hear it but the hesitation is fatal.
WHICH METHOD: More effective in my opinion with deep respect for all personal defense systems and all martial arts, is the KRAV MAGA is effective, simple to learn, the favorite blows are to the genitals, neck, eyes therefore with high damage inflicted to the aggressor, the KM yes a simple method but I would lie I said "take a course of one week a month and you become invincible!" no, it must be trained intensified with physical and mental preparation, the result obviously also depends on the Master and the student, but what I can assure you is that your defensive capacity will increase exponentially, as will your self-esteem ability to evaluate self-control. It would seem paradoxical but aggression decreases.
WHICH TEACHER: It is necessary to check if an instructor is Qualified to be a National instructor recognized by a sports promotion body recognized by CONI Does he have specific skills in self defense, is he a suitable instructor for you? Yes also this and a particular important, it guides you on the road right? be wary of those who promise you miraculous results in a short time, of those who teach you techniques in a not very intense way some bruises during lessons it happens ... of those who want to transform you into navy seals unless you are 20/30 years old with military training ... the course must be proportionate to your physical characteristics and age!
Purtroppo nel periodo che viviamo ..quasi ogni giorno il nostro cuore si riempi di dolore per tutto ciò che sentiamo donne maltrattate e uccise...aggressioni quando si esce dalla comfort zone ai ragazzi ...quindi bisogna impare a difendersi...badate bene difendersi..
Dopo un attenta ricerca fatta da ormai 15 anni..insieme a mio marito siamo giunti alla conclusione che KRAV MAGA è il sistema più adatto nella DIFESA PERSONALE... perché i principi e scopi sviluppano capacità utili alla difesa in tempi più rapidi.. insegnando ad usare i propri riflessi e a colpire parti vulnerabili...krav maga (combattimento ravvicinato) è un sistema di difesa di origine Israeliana adottato dalle forze di difesa e sicurezza israeliane diffuso alla popolazione civile intorno all anno 1960..Appurato che imparare a difendersi è diventato quasi un obbligo per tutti noi ..impariamo a conoscere un po cosa ci insegna questo sistema...improvvisazione...pensare velocemente...riflettere..riconoscere i segnali del corpo..profilazione dell ambiente e delle persone...agli allievi si forniscono tecniche utilizzabili sfruttando le risorse adatte alle capacità e caratteristiche fisiche..inoltre durante gli allenamenti si lavora alla costruzione cardiovascolare..sviluppo della muscolatura ..stretching...ma non solo ...i movimenti eseguiti portano a precisione..coordinazione ..forza ..autostima .. sicurezza ...Il maestro che insegna il Krav Maga deve avere una lunga formazione un continuo allenamento...dedizione e capacità di trasmettere ...leader ship...umiltà..capacità di creare e aggregazione....impara a difenderti sulla strada e nella vita...se vuoi intraprendere questo percorso formativo cerca un maestro qualificato e capace ....post lungo mah serve per capire...
Marisa German (Socio e Segreatario I.F.A.)